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What is Online Safety?

Online safety keeps you safe on the Internet while using devices such as smartphones, laptops, tablets and computers. Online safety can protect you from harmful content, cyber attacks, phishing scams and malicious users. 

What are the Risks

These are some of the risks that are associated with online-safety:

Cyber bullying, Grooming, Identity Theft, Digital Footprint and online reputation, Health and well being, Sexting, Copyright.

What is Central Park Primary doing to promote Online Safety?

Here at Central Park we put online safety at the core of our computing curriculum. In all years online safety is covered, from children being informed about the rules to staying safe online, to using these rules to make digital adverts, informational web pages, podcasts and a short video on staying safe online.

Online Safety tip of the week

 Managing access to websites 26.06.23 - Parental controls

You can manage your child's access to specific websites when they are using Google Chrome browser. You can choose to limit your child to only the websites that you are comfortable with, or block specific websites that you don't want them to visit. Click on the following website for further detail.

Parental controls are just part of the way you can help keep your child safe online.

Top tips include:
Talking to your child. Explain why you are setting parental controls; to keep them safe. But also let them know that they can talk to you to discuss why certain settings are in place.
Set good, strong passwords where you are able. On some parental controls you can set a password which prevents settings and features from being changed.

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