At Central Park Primary School we aim to provide a happy, caring and stimulating learning environment where all children are encouraged to make progress from their individual starting points. Every child is at the heart of our curriculum, which has been built to ensure that no child is left behind. We believe that children learn best through hands on experiences that are provided both indoors and outdoors. Children will develop positive attitudes towards learning as they are provided with a curriculum that meets their developmental needs. We allow the children to make choices about the activities they want to participate in. Time is given each day to the direct teaching of reading, phonics and mathematics. This ensures that our children are challenged and prepared for the Year 1 Curriculum and beyond.
Our curriculum is underpinned on the four guiding principles of EYFS which help to shape the Early Years Foundation Stage Policy.
- A Unique Child
- Positive Relationships
- Enabling Environments
- Learning and Development