Central Park Primary School is a caring community in which the staff, pupils, governors and parents are mindful of their responsibilities towards one another. We hope that education in Central Park Primary School will be beneficial, stimulating, well-structured and, above all, an enjoyable experience.
The Governing Board
On the 1st June 2018, the CPD Federation was formally established and our new governing body came into effect. The governing body is made up of elected staff and parent governors, a local authority governor and co-opted governors. Our governing body will meet formally each half term, with attendance information being updated on this page regularly. The governors will also come into both schools at various points in the year to work with various staff members, the children and parents.
What do our Governors do?
The CPD Federation Governing Boards purpose is to provide confident, strategic leadership and to create robust accountability, oversight and assurance for educational and finacial performance.
The 3 core functions of the Governing Board are:
- Ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
- Holding Executive Leaders ro account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff.
- Overseeing the finacnail performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.
To view the finacial benchmarking for Central Park Primary, please click on the link below:
How can I speak to a Governor? If you want to raise a concern with a parent governor please speak to Paul Taylor (Headteacher). If we cannot help you we will refer your concern to a parent governor to contact you. If you would like to go straight to a parent governor then please go to the school office and leave your contact details, or a written query, and it will be passed onto a parent governor.
In accordance with the latest statutory guidance, please click on each governor's image to read further information about them.
Local Advisory Forum (LAF) - What is the LAF?
The LAF is a dedicated group of individuals who come together to support the Governance of the Federation. They provide the local tier of Governance in each school following the scheme of delegation. Their role is to:
- Provide input and perspectives on the direction of the school.
- Collaborate on decision related to school improvement.
- Act as a bridge between the school and our community.
- Review and discuss the progress made against the school plan and self evaluation.
- Review and discuss policies focussed around the school.