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English Vision


English lessons at Central Park Primary School are taught in units and these units are planned around
a variety of high quality texts that are pitched well for the age group. The use of these texts allow
plenty of room to strengthen and teach children comprehension skills and capture their imagination.
This is also to ensure excellent engagement from all pupils and that written outcomes from children
are of a high standard. With this, teachers also include the teaching of spelling, grammar and
punctuation through their modelling etc. Spelling is also taught exclusively, as is handwriting and
grammar on a regular basis.

Speaking and Listening

Children at Central Park are provided with an abundance of opportunities to strengthen their ability
to communicate effectively, with each other, and with adults. Cooperative and collaborative learning
opportunities are integral to our lesson structure and we believe that talking is essential stage in the
development of learning with strong links to the power of talk improving language achievement.


We start to teach letter formation in Nursery, with children refining their writing as they progress
through key stage 2. We use Nelson handwriting scheme across the school to support consistency in
the development of letter formation. High expectations are maintained throughout the school with a
focus on different ways of publishing work in English to a high standard.
At Central Park, over 90% of our children use English as an additional language (EAL), and there are
over 56 different languages spoken across the school.

Our high expectations and quality teaching ensure that scores in all aspects of literacy (reading,
writing and spelling/grammar) are above national levels at the end of Year 6 (see the Results page
on the website for further detail) and the progress of our learners is well above the national average.

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