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Guided Comprehension

After children finish the programme of RWI, we immediately turn our attention to children’s comprehension skills. Guided Comprehension starts in Year 2 specifically focusing on how to understand a text. We follow a curriculum that ensures our children have access to a wide breadth of texts. Teachers listen to children read during guided comprehension and engage with them in rich meaningful dialogue. Children learn how to question a text in order to understand it. They also learn strategies to clarify words and phrases that they are unfamiliar with. They also learn how to use their inference, predicting and summarising skills to complete the week. Guided Comprehension is done everyday in order to make our children passionate and life-long readers.


At Central Park Primary School, we really try to push the love of reading at home too. We allow children to take books home to enjoy with their family. In KS1, they take three books home (reading for pleasure and two phonics books). In KS2, they take two books home (reading for pleasure and a banded book). To further promote reading, we subscribe to Bug Club.

Parents are encouraged to look at the website, and to speak to teachers if they require any more information.

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